Little Caesars had the most local players selected in this weekend’s Ontario Hockey League draft, which featured the fewest amount of Michigan players taken in 10 years. Seven of the 12 Michigan players were from the Little Caesars’ U15 state championship team, including goaltender J.J. Salajko whose father Jeff Salajko was let go as the goaltending
Little Caesars had the most local players selected in this weekend’s Ontario Hockey League draft, which featured the fewest amount of Michigan players taken in 10 years. Seven of the 12 Michigan players were from the Little Caesars’ U15 state championship team, including goaltender J.J. Salajko whose father Jeff Salajko was let go as the goaltending
No Quick Hits today, I just want to bask in the relief of the end of the Red Wings’ season and in the excitement that is the first real indication the Red Wings are building towards something that we’ve seen in a while. I remember the feeling of the end of last season being pretty