Quick Hits: The Getting Started Edition

Winging It In Motown

Red Wings preseason opener good opportunity for Berggren, Soderblom, Cossa – MLive

Coach Derek Lalonde said Berggren had a good training camp.

“Continue to play at the level he has, and he has played very well,” Lalonde said. “Now we want it consistently. We want an every-day-type mentality. He got a great opportunity with a couple guys who are going to be in our top six this year (Dylan Larkin, Lucas Raymond). Now you’re doing it against live bullets, top NHL competition. He’ll be in our top six tonight, going against their top six. It’s going to be a real good test for him. Excited to see how he does.”

You’re going to have to tell me how that test went because I was unable to catch the game.

A Quick Note on the Derek-Lalonde-is-Pretty Story

You may not even be aware of this, but it made rounds on Twitter yesterday and the Freep even brought it up to the head coach, who joked about how “Somebody is getting fired for that.”

It’s cute enough that it happened and that it gave Lalonde a quick laugh, but it’s also an annoying pernicious thing that has started in the last couple years. The presser that got spammed out all over hockey media (including to me) came from a betting site that was hoping putting what is essentially zero-calorie clickbait out there for people to talk about how dumb it is would help them garner attention.

It worked in that I’m talking about the stupid thing and that I’m generally talking about the source of it, but I hate it.

NHL preparing teams for sharp salary cap increase over next three seasons – Sportsnet

“I’ve seen some preliminary estimates recently which would make me more optimistic on the cap going up sooner whether that’s in two seasons or three seasons, I think it’s more likely than not two seasons rather than three,” Bill Daly said on the 32 Thoughts podcast this month.

There’s a chart embedded there which estimates the cap could be around $92M by 2025. Based on Detroit’s timeline, that could work out beautifully for us.

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