Jeff Blashill is Gone; Who Will Be the Next Red Wings Head Coach?

Octopus Thrower

The Blashill era has come to a much needed end. However, that’s just step one. Now they need to figure out their second step- who is capable of coaching this team.

The Detroit Red Wings fanbase has been calling for Jeff Blashill’s head for awhile now. During multiple home games, the fans have actually chanted “Fire Blashill” on multiple occassions. Well, they got their wish.

Yesteday afternoon the Red Wings organization made a statement on their social media accounts stating that they will not bring back head coach, Jeff Blashill. Which, in all honesty, is music to my ears as I’m sure it is to yours.

Jeff Blashill, who is one of the winniest head coaches of the Grand Rapids Griffins, got the head coach job of the Detroit Red Wings a few years back. Since that point, it seems as though he’s been the root of all problems. Now, is that the actual case? Probably not. But let’s not forget the talent he has had to try and coach. It’s not great. It would’ve been hard for a lot of people.

So, now that Blashill is gone, the question that people need to be asking is: Who can take on the role of coaching this young and developing team? Well, we have somebody in mind.

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