Quick Hits: The Green Lit to Hit Edition

Winging It In Motown

Detroit Red Wings GM Yzerman Gauging Interest In Bertuzzi? Ex-Red Wing McCarty Says Bertuzzi is Letting Down His Teammates – Det Hockey Now

It would be incorrect to suggest that Detroit Red Wings GM Steve Yzerman was shopping forward Tyler Bertuzzi. However, a rival NHL GM did confirm that Yzerman is calling teams. The Detroit GM isn’t offering them Bertuzzi. He’s just subtly gauging what interest there might be from them in acquiring Bertuzzi.

To be honest, what’s missing from a report like this is the idea that clarifies the likelihood that Steve Yzerman has been gauging interest in Tyler Bertuzzi from around the league since well before any of the vaccination discussion started.

From McCarty:

“If somebody is not 100% committed because they can’t be there or anything like that, then you’re going to war without all your guys,” McCarty said. “This is one of those things where you’re either in, or you’re in the way.”

McCarty does specifically mention he respects Bertuzzi’s decision and then lays into him from an inside-the-room standpoint.

I want to caution against reading this as some sort of principled stance Jarmo is taking instead of reading it as a simple risk analysis that a general manager made about a plug player. “An unvaccinated player” is certainly written to imply that Rinaldo being a donkey has nothing to do with this choice but that doesn’t mean any of us has to believe that.

Our long national nightmare is over.

Site reminder: If you’re concerned that there’s anybody out there who isn’t aware of your stance on vaccination or perhaps isn’t aware of some scientific fact of which you can teach them, then I ask you instead of blaring it out to the entire crowd, just put your email address in a comment and invite those curious to hear from you to email you for more information.

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