Quick Hits: Let’s Get Realistic Edition

Winging It In Motown

A freelance contributor from The Athletic wrote a piece last week about top-six forwards that could fit the picture for the New York Rangers. Winging it in Motown’s own Jake Rivard put together a quick response piece.

From an outsider’s perspective, a package of Chytil, Miller, and draft picks may seem like an overpayment. They would be correct — it is an overpayment. It must be emphasized again that Yzerman is under absolutely zero pressure to trade Larkin. The cards are all in the Red Wings’ hands on this one.

I can’t see a scenario where Yzerman wouldn’t walk away with a haul in return for Larkin. What would be the price you’d expect on a Larkin trade?

Drouin hadn’t slept for three nights before the Flames game.

“That’s where it hit a wall for me. It was time to step away from the game. Literally take a step back from everything and enjoy life,” said Drouin, making his first public comments about his leave of absence. “It was hard for me to do at that time — obviously, the playoffs were coming around.”

As a lifetime sufferer of anxiety myself, I know firsthand what it’s like to just completely shut down. Good for Drouin for prioritizing his own health. It can be hard for someone to speak up — and even harder to do it as a professional athlete.

The New Jersey Devils fixture has retired after 15 seasons. He played 1,024 of his 1,037 career games with the Devils, finishing out his career with the New York Islanders.

Is it too late to call him a Long Island Legend?

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