Quick Hits: The Great One Edition

Winging It In Motown

As always, actions speak louder than words, but I’ll always take the chance to appreciate a step in the right direction.

From the Black Girl Hockey website:

We welcome collaboration with any interested stakeholder and strongly invite allies to join us, as we cannot continue to bear the burden of disrupting racism alone. However, this Campaign is committed to centering Black women, women of color, BIPOC communities, and all others who are impacted by prejudice and injustice both inside and outside of hockey.

Undoubtedly these conversations are difficult, as they can challenge one’s perspectives and approach to our roles in hockey and society at large. But progress is rarely easy, and often requires being open minded and vulnerable, and making a genuine commitment to improve one’s impact on others. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that ALL members of our community can truly enjoy hockey – the greatest sport in the world. To get there, though, we may need you to Get Uncomfortable.

It’s a good thing that being the best player at a sport translates to being a good analyst for that sport.

I guess the idea is to try to get people to tune in because he’s the one hockey person with the highest name recognition? Is there any sign that he would be a good analyst? How many other people would do a better job?

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